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Based on our previous assignment on our CTX essay on our chosen superheroes, we are to relate the personality and character of our superheroes to our final video.

I had teamed up with my friend who specialises in developing games as he is currently majoring in it at the moment. (Shoutout to Akmal in KDU Glenmarie!)

Here are our ideas that we came up with:

Type of video: An interactive game (Shoot em up/Shooter genre)

Temporary title of game: OBSTACLES

Synopsis, statement, objective: A different take on superheroes in which it shifts the focus from the hero being all mighty and powerful to the core of what makes a hero, a hero. The game centers around the burdens, obstacles and self-doubtness that a person encounters along the way before becoming a hero. The main character in this game will be heavily inspired by the recent superhero that has come into the limelight, Black Panther. In Black Panther, T'Challa, whom the honorary title directly went to after T'Chaka had been killed. In short, this shooter game depicts the typically labelled as stoic and unfeeling hero archetype to be more than just that. It challenges people to broaden their horizon and understanding on what being a hero truly means and for them to have a role model to look up to instead of someone being put up on a pedestal and praised for every little action they do. 

Expected outcomes: From the creation of this game, I hope to put forward the message that you are not defined by your struggles and that anyone can be a hero. I also hope that the players will obtain a positive message from this game that is applicable to their own struggles in life. 

Target audience: Computer game players that struggle with mental health issues and need a role model or even someone to relate to

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